Everything is Trite

Ian Stanford
2 min readJan 14, 2021

Every advice is trite. Every quote is trite. Every self help is trite. Yet there’s a reason for it being trite or cliche.

Applying advice works for some people. Some quotes, maybe from philosophy, have profound meaning yet to be understood by others. And sometimes it’s just not the right time to see the quote.

Here’s a quote I love by Derek Sivers from the Tim Ferriss Show which I found was really funny and at the same time so true.

“If [more] information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.” — Derek Sivers

It speaks so loudly to me simply because we all (almost all) have access to the internet and the free resources that comes with it. Free coding courses on freecodecamp, free e-books, blogs, movies, news articles, and so much more is in our hands as long as we have access the internet. Yet, not everybody takes advantage of it. A lot of people spend time on things that don’t even really give them happiness, though maybe they’re simply lazy or bad at time management or don’t even know they have these resources. And it’s hard.

It’s hard to manage time. People out there are living their lives not knowing what to do with their free time when they finally get it after class or work. Not many people have the energy to take an extra course right after a long days work. It’s frustrating, for me, and for others.

We’re all given 24 hours, yet only a few are able to manage their time wisely to be able to do what they want to do. It’s not what we have but what we do with it.

I should be doing assignments.

